Fees and Levies
Useful Tools and Forms
Fees and Levies Calculator (update in progress)
This tool enables you to quickly calculate the annual costs for your family.
Set up Credit Card Payment Arrangements
Set up recurring payments via your credit card. Download a pdf version here.
Set up Direct Debit Payment Arrangements
Set up recurring or one-off payment arrangements via direct debit. Download a pdf version of this form here and the Direct Debit Service Agreement here.
Arrange Fee Discounts for Multiple Siblings
Apply for a discount on fees based on having more than one child attending MacKillop or another Catholic school. Download a pdf version here.
Third Party Billing Form
For if the fees for the child being enrolled are to be paid from multiple sources, such as grandparents or separated parents.
Summary of Fees
The latest Fees and Levies summary can be found in the MacKillop Catholic College Fees 2025 Summary document.
The information below is also included in the Welcome Book which is included in the enrolment pack and also available from our front office.
To ensure high quality and cost effective education services are provided to all students, our funding from the diocese and government is supplemented by tuition fees. Parents and caregivers have an obligation to pay fees as they fall due, however no child will be deprived of a Catholic Education because of the genuine financial difficulties of his or her family.
Fees are determined annually and billed in the first term to the parties indicated on the Individual Student Enrolment Form. If the parties decide to vary the billing arrangement made, the form must be adjusted by the parties to reflect the new arrangements. Verbal advice received to vary the billing arrangements will not be considered.
All fees are due for payment 21 days after they are billed, or as agreed if an arrangement is made for payment by regular instalments. There is no GST on school fees, levies or donations to our building fund.
Enrolment Application Fee
$110, or $200 per family of more than one student
This non-refundable fee covers enrolment processing costs and is payable at the time of lodging your enrolment application.
Student Activity Deposit
At the commencement of the first year of enrolment, this deposit (per student) establishes an activities credit balance for each student. When students depart, the deposit is refunded to the family, less any outstanding charges not paid. Should the deposit be paid and the student’s enrolment be cancelled without notification before commencing at the College, the Student Activity Deposit will be forfeited.
Tuition Fees
Years 7 – 9: $2,995, Year 10: $3,695, Year 11 – 12: $4,395
This fee, charged per student per year, covers the costs of providing tuition. Discounts, as listed below, apply if you have more than one student attending Catholic Schools in the NT. Tuition fees are determined by the Catholic Education Office and apply across all Catholic schools in the Diocese. It is a requirement of Catholic Education NT that a new Fee Discount Form be completed each year, without which the discount cannot be provided.
Tuition Fee Discounts for Multiple Enrolments: Two children: 5% discount Three children: 10% discount Four children: 33% discount
Per Student Levies: Year 7: $1,961, Years 8 – 10: $1,881, Year 11 – 12: $1,851
Per Family Levies: $470
Levies, charged per year, are costs in addition to tuition fees that cover costs such as camps, transportation, College activities, IT and library resources and student lockers. Further information on what is covered by these levies can be found further down.
Extra Fees Associated with Elective Subjects
Variable by Subject
Some elective subjects incur fees to cover the extra resources used in these subjects, or activities undertaken. This includes subjects such as Industrial Technology and Design (woodwork and metalwork), art, outdoor education or Food Technology. Further information on individual elective subjects can be found in the Subject Handbooks.
Fees Associated with Extracurricular Activities
Variable by Activity
Many options for extracurricular activities are available to students at MacKillop. Some of these, such as extracurricular instrumental music lessons or sporting club membership, incur their own fees separate from those billed by the College. Talk to the individual coordinators of these activities for further information.
Fees Associated with the Library
Variable by Material Borrowed
Any books borrowed by the student, returned with irreparable damage, or in a state which will not allow it to be borrowed again, will have their account billed for the cost of the book. Any books not returned by the end of the final Term will be billed to the student’s account. Any books not returned by exiting students will be billed to their account.
Items Covered by Per Family Levies
($470 total, as indicated above)
Minor Project Levy ($140)
The College collects a per family minor projects levy. The College decides in consultation with the College Board and Parents and Friends’ Association what capital projects or maintenance works will be funded each year from this levy.
Compulsory Building Levy ($240)
An annual levy is charged per family to contribute to the capital costs of school infrastructure. This Compulsory Building Levy is not tax deductible.
College Magazine ($30)
The College produces a magazine each year. Every family will receive a magazine containing reports of the year’s activities.
School Support Levy ($60)
An annual levy has been determined to facilitate maintenance activities around the College. These activities greatly assist in the development and maintenance of school grounds. This levy will be credited to family accounts on participation in at least one working bee per year, or other significant voluntary contribution.
Items Covered by Per Student Levies
Years 7 – 10:
General Purpose Levy | $300.00 |
Middle Years Swimming Program | $100.00 |
Retreats, Camps and Carnivals | $571.00 |
Classroom Resources | $326.00 |
College Celebrations and Events | $30.00 |
IT Resources | $270.00 |
Stationary and Work Books | $80.00 |
Diary/Planner | $23.00 |
Locker | $20.00 |
Years 11 & 12:
General Purpose Levy | $300.00 |
Retreats, Camps and Carnivals | $571.00 |
Classroom Resources | $326.00 |
College Celebrations and Events | $100.00 |
IT Resources | $270.00 |
Locker | $20.00 |
Payment of Fees
Preferred Methods of Payment:
- BPAY – See invoice for BPAY details and unique reference number.
- Bank Transfer – See invoice for bank details and unique family reference.
BSB: 085933
ACC: 396042505
Alternative Methods of Payment
- Credit Card – At the front office or by phone – 8930 5757.
- Direct Debit – Direct Debit Request forms can be obtained from the front office or from mackillopnt.catholic.edu.au/fees.
- Cash or EFTPOS – Paid directly at the front office.
- Cheque – Made payable to MacKillop Catholic College.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm.
Refund Policy
Refund/credit of fees will only be considered upon receipt of a completed and signed Student Exit Form.
If 10 weeks of school Term time notice of student exit in writing has been received:
A maximum of 75% of the remaining school term tuition fee/s may be refunded/credited.
If less than 10 weeks of school Term time notice of student exit has been received:
A maximum of 50% of the remaining school term tuition fee/s may be refunded/credited.
Refund of Excursions/Activities
All requests for credits for non-attendance at excursion activities are to be made in writing to the Principal with accompanying documentation, e.g. medical certificate. As most excursions / activities are prepaid by the College, and costs calculated on the full attendance of all students, a credit for non-attendance will only be considered if the College has been refunded for those students who were unable to attend. Unfortunately, due to this prepayment, refunds or credits will be unlikely. If non-attendance was because of a medical condition, please attach a medical certificate to your written request for credit through the Principal. All credit requests are processed by the Principal – not the Finance Department. Please do not contact the Finance Department regarding credit requests, as they can only refer you to the Principal.
Flexible Learning Programs
Flexible Learning Programs (FLP) including Vocational Educational Training (VET) pathways attract full tuition fees and levies. No pro-rata discount will be provided for the periods when the student is not attending the College. A full time place is budgeted for all students including FLPs. This allows students to return to a full time regular program at any time.
Withholding Student Reports
If school fees have not been paid nor payment arrangements made or maintained, Student Semester Reports will be withheld until such time that there is parental communication with the College Principal. Please make an appointment with the Principal as soon as you realise that there may be difficulty in meeting this commitment. It is the Diocesan policy that no child will be deprived of a Catholic Education because of the genuine financial difficulties of his or her family. We are happy to enter into arrangements with families to meet their particular circumstances. If there are genuine financial difficulties and fees cannot be paid, this must be discussed with the Principal as soon as possible.
Replacement Diaries
Replacement diaries and will be charged to family accounts. Where possible, families will be notified of the event.
Locker Padlock Deposit
A deposit of $20 is made for loan of a locker padlock. $15 of this deposit is refunded on exit, minus any damage costs, and $5 goes towards general locker maintenance and lock replacement.
Non-Compulsory Donations
Some families choose to make additional non-compulsory donations for things such as our building fund or specific projects.
Some donation options can be found here.
Non-Compulsory Building Levy
In addition to the Compulsory Building Levy, families are invited to donate funds to our voluntary College Building Fund, which goes towards the construction of future infrastructure. Donations of $2+ are tax deductible. We ask that families consider donating $100 / term. To find out more about donation or volunteering options, speak to our finance team or go to mackillopnt.catholic.edu.au/make-a-donation.
For further information on your fees or payment plans, please contact the finance team on 8930 5716 or finance.mackillop@nt.catholic.edu.au.
You can quickly calculate the annual costs for your family with our online calculator tool.
Government Back to School Payment Scheme
The Back to School Payment Scheme is a Northern Territory Government initiative to assist families with certain school related costs at the beginning of the school year. Information can be found in the pdfs below.
R02_Back to School Payment Scheme – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document