Health, Safety and Student Wellbeing
Child Safeguarding
Catholic Education NT Child Safeguarding Commitment Statement
Our Child Safeguarding Coordinator is Mrs Stella Wallis. Please speak to her if you are a parent, student, staff member or community member with any questions in regard to safeguarding –
Other important contact details:
In an emergency, call 000
Palmerston Police Station: (08) 8947 7200
Territory Families: 1800 700 250
Medical Treatment at School
If a child is sick, it is best that they are kept home with a notified absence until returning to health. If they get sick or injured whilst at school, our sick bay is located in the front office. If a child wishes to be collected, they also need to see the front office to call home. Use of mobile phones during school hours is not permitted, nor is leaving or being picked up without notifying the College. College insurance will cover the costs of medical treatment for most injuries sustained at school, or at extracurricular activities run outside of hours or off campus, such as during Rugby games. The lift located in the Administration Block is available for student use when the student is unable to climb stairs due to a medical issue. We also have counsellors at the College to help students with mental and emotional wellbeing issues.
Workplace Health and Safety
Our WHS Coordinator is Raymond Liebenberg. All staff are trained in MacKillop Catholic College’s emergency procedures. Emergency instructions and safety equipment are located in every room and area of the College. In the event of an emergency, the emergency procedure will be carried out, and students are to follow the instructions of their supervising staff member.
Catholic Education NT Work Health & Safety Policy
Allergy Awareness
Allergy Awareness and Management Policy
Some students and staff at our College are prone to having a life threatening anaphylactic reaction to peanuts and/or tree nuts. We kindly ask that these items are not brought to school.
Sun Safety
As a sunsmart school, we require that hats are worn at all times whilst participating in outdoor activities.
A stop-motion video on sun safety made by MacKillop students: