Reconciliation Action Plan
We would love to have you as part of our RAP working group! Find out more here.
The purpose of MacKillop Catholic College’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is to enable all in our College community to strengthen their awareness and understanding of reconciliation.
Around 16% of the MacKillop student population identifies as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, however the RAP is not just aimed at these students. It is aimed at fostering an environment where Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and their culture are shared and respected.
A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a formal statement of commitment to reconciliation. A school or early learning service can develop a RAP using the Narragunnawali platform to register existing initiatives or to begin a new journey.
The RAP is not a token gesture, nor is it the responsibility of only the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and parents at the College. It is the collective responsibility of all members of our College community and is a part of every aspect of the College life and culture.
We formally recognise our connection to our country’s cultural heritage by doing a welcome to country or acknowledgement of country before any significant event or gathering, by flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags, and by celebrating Sorry Day as a College. We also employ Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers to offer support for the cultural lives and unique challenges of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of our community and to promote understanding of traditional culture and history among our wider community. Our AIEW Coordinator is Mrs Sherri Bryers. Not all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and parents choose to access the services, and there is no specific funding for this group.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June. The dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey—the anniversaries of the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision.
RAPs are based on three aspects: Relationships, Respect and Opportunity. more information on RAPs can be found here:
The 14 Actions for MacKillop
- Welcome to Country
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags
- Staff engagement in RAP
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the classroom
- Cultural Competence for staff
- Celebrate National Reconciliation Week
- Build Relationships with community
- Teach about Reconciliation
- Explore Current Affairs and Issues
- Take Action Against Racism
- Curriculum Planning
- Inclusive Policies
- Celebrate RAP progress
What is our vision for reconciliation?
MacKillop Catholic College joins with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters to ensure greater understanding of their culture within Australia.
Our vision is for reconciliation to be achieved at MacKillop Catholic College by showing respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their Land, cultures, spirituality and traditions.
We are committed to ensuring that community participation is strong and vibrant and that care and compassionate activities are demonstrated through all activities. We will be a community of learning where each individual student is cared for and valued, and the wider community is enriched by the presence of our College.
MacKillop Catholic College focuses on preparing young men and women to take their place in society and Lead with Courage, continuing the work and emulating the values of our namesake and Australia’s first Saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
The values developed within our students are:
- Strong clear minds which value learning;
- Compassionate hearts; and,
- Courageous spirits to serve others with confidence.
To achieve our vision, MacKillop Catholic College will welcome all opportunities to build stronger relationships with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. We will work within the College and with outside organisations to ensure our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are afforded equal and equitable opportunities. The College will seek ways to encourage broader engagement with, and stronger relationships between, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and non-Indigenous school community.
Take Action Against Racism
Racism can have serious negative consequences for the people who experience it, for those who witness it, and for wider society. When racism is properly understood it is easier to overcome. We commit to building awareness of what racism is, the impacts of racism and how to respond effectively when it occurs through an anti-racism strategy tailored to the needs of our school.
Cultural competence is the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures. Cultural competence encompasses:
- being aware of one’s own world view
- developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences
- gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views
- developing skills for communication and interaction across cultures
Gunamidjindawa Room
The Gunamidjindawa Room (pronounced “Guna-migin-da-wa”, meaning “Saltwater” in Larrakia) was opened with a smoking ceremony on the 3rd May 2020, during Reconcilliation Week. It is a culturally safe space for MacKillop students and community, which aims to promote understanding of Aboriginal and Islander culture, and the equality of all people. Below is a video of the smoking ceremony at the opening of the room.
We would love to have you as part of our RAP working group! Find out more here.